About StandoutFurniture.com

StandoutFurniture.com is a unique website that shows the best furniture for your house or outdoor living area. It gives you some helpful advice on what kind of furniture is the best for which area of your home.

Who we are

Standout Furniture was founded at the end of 2022. It is specialized in delivering valuable information about furniture and other home accessories. We aim to discover the best quality products at the best prices.

We are a team of people who are passionate about furniture and design. Supervised by the expertise of John Plank, we work hard and research the best furnishings and their price, which is suitable for your needs and home.

Why do we do it

Our home is the place where we live with other people we love and spend time with. Here, there are many things that are part of our daily life. Each of us needs furniture in our homes. Our patio, deck, living room, bedroom, foyer or hallway, and other things in our home all need furnishings.

Here at Standout Furniture, we pride ourselves on providing you with the best tips and shopping guides for home improvement.

How we do it

Our research method is quite simple:

  1. We hand-pick the best available products.
  2. We collect the best price for each one.
  3. To find the best potential offers, we divide the pool of pricing into three categories.
  4. For each category, we evaluate and review the products and make a unique guide.
  5. We examine and review the best of them in each category to provide a unique guide.


Every day we improve the website, and we have tried to make it as easy to use as possible. We have a huge selection of buying guides, and for each one of them, we have a detailed pricing description.

Financial info

Here you won’t see any advertisements. The only source that keeps our website running is our passion and the few pages that contain some affiliate links.

How can you help us?

We only post one guide with affiliate links for every 50 buying guides. If you find our website useful and want to help us continue our work, you may explore the best furniture category, visit a page, and click on a product link.

Following that, if you purchase something, we may receive a tiny commission (at no additional cost to you).

Let us help you to choose the best design and furniture for your home.

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help.