Cleaning a Cast Aluminum Mailbox featured

Simple Tips for Cleaning a Cast Aluminum Mailbox Quickly and Easily

If you have a mailbox that needs some sprucing up, there’s no need to panic! Cleaning a cast aluminum mailbox is very easy. With just a few simple tips and items, you can make it look new again.

The best cast aluminum mailbox will be looking great forever with just a few steps. Not to mention, keeping it clean will reduce the amount of maintenance and repairs down the line, making it a sound investment in the long run.

How often should I clean my aluminum mailbox?

You should clean your cast aluminum mailbox at least once every two weeks to prevent the build-up of dirt and grime. You might have to clean it more frequently if you live near the ocean. Aluminum is a metal that doesn’t rust as easily as other metal materials. However, saltwater will damage aluminum because of dissimilar metal corrosion.

Regularly cleaning a cast aluminum mailbox

The most important thing you can do is sweep away any debris or dirt that has accumulated around the metal mailbox. Use a large, soft-bristled brush to brush away any dirt and leaves that have collected around it, then hose it down and wipe away any excess moisture with a clean cloth or a towel. To get into all the nooks and crannies of your cast aluminum mailbox, use a soft-bristled brush to remove any residue that the water missed.

Cleaning a Cast Aluminum Mailbox - someone cleans a cast aluminum mailbox with a clean cloth

How to remove tough grime

If you’re trying to get rid of tough dirt, you can always use mild soap, like dishwashing liquid. Just mix it with some warm water and start cleaning.

Start by lightly scrubbing the cast aluminum mailbox with soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush – nylon is best. Dip the brush in warm water as needed and gently scrub away any dirt and grime.

But beware of scrubbing too harshly – you don’t want to damage the surface. And always scrub in the direction of the aluminum grain or use a circular motion. In addition, remember to keep away from any raised decorations or address letters and numbers. Rinse it completely with clean water and remove any moisture with a clean cloth.

Tougher dirt calls for tougher cleaning solutions

To help lift out tough spots you can use a mild cleaning solution. Use a mixture of one part water, one part white distilled vinegar or one part dish detergent or mild soap, and two parts hot water. Make sure to use a bottle of spray to evenly coat the cast aluminum mailbox and a soft-bristled brush to scrub it.

Cleaning a Cast Aluminum Mailbox - a woman cleans a metal curbside mailbox

When you’re done scrubbing, ensure that all of the cleaning solutions have been wiped away with clean water. Dry the it off with a soft and clean cloth.

Note: If you find it difficult to remove grime and tough dirt then use a specialized cast aluminum cleaner. A good rule of thumb is to avoid harsh or abrasive cleaners. Follow the instructions carefully to make sure it is done correctly.

Buff it up with a metal polish

If your cast aluminum mailbox is still not looking brand new, you can use a metal polish to buff it up and bring the shine back. There are a few metal polishes available on the market, so make sure to use the one that best suits it.

Again, use a soft cloth to evenly apply polish and gently rub it in a circular motion until the desired shine has been achieved. Once you’re happy with the bead of polish, wipe away the excess and admire your sparkling metal mailbox!

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In sum

You now have all the information you need on cleaning a cast aluminum mailbox and keep it looking good as new! If you use the right solutions and proper cleaning techniques, your metal mailbox can be the envy of the neighborhood. With a little bit of love and care, you can keep it looking great for years to come.  Need more? To eliminate any rust or fading learn how to paint cast aluminum mailbox.

John Plank

John Plank is an avid reader and writer who is interested in anything and everything furniture, interior design, and patio decor. He enjoys writing articles about his passion and loves to play with his dogs in his spare time. (Full bio)