Two gray Cast Aluminum Mailboxes - How to Find the Right Cast Aluminum Mailbox for Your Needs at the Best Price

The Benefits of Having a Cast Aluminum Mailbox

In our article about the best cast aluminum outdoor furniture, we noted that a cast aluminum mailbox can be considered outdoor furniture! While it is not traditionally thought to be one, it is often installed near the front door or entrance of a home and it is ornamental or may be decorated to match the surrounding area.

In some cases, it may be integrated into a larger piece of furniture such as a cabinet. Whether a mailbox is considered to be a piece of furniture or not is generally dependent on its location and purpose. The best cast aluminum mailbox is guaranteed to last for many years.

What’s in this guide?

Incredible benefits

Cast aluminum mailboxes are becoming increasingly popular as a durable, aesthetic option for residential and commercial use. Made from a solid metal material that resists corrosion, they offer an attractive solution to the challenge of finding a secure and reliable way to receive letters and packages.

Cast aluminum is the best mailbox material

There are many reasons why cast aluminum is the best mailbox material. First, it is extremely durable and will not rust or corrode. Second, it is a strong, yet lightweight metal, making it easy to install. Moreover, it is easy to clean and maintain. Finally, cast aluminum is a very good material for intricate mailbox designs.

Increased security

A cast aluminum mailbox provides an additional layer of security since it cannot be easily broken into by thieves. Unlike normal aluminum items that are hollow, cast ones are solid aluminum. The thick metal walls make it difficult to pry open.

Decorative white wall mount cast aluminum mailbox

Aesthetic appeal

Decorative cast aluminum mailboxes come in a variety of styles and colors, so you can find one that matches your home décor. You can also customize them with different decorative accents like numbers or lettering for added visual interest.

Not only do they come in different shapes and sizes, but they also come in varying colors, each one offering a unique touch to your home’s exterior decor. Whether you prefer a more eye-catching and jazzy option or a more elegant and classic look, there is something out there for everyone.

Easy installation

Installing a cast aluminum mailbox is relatively simple since it only requires either hiring a handyman or doing it yourself with some basic tools such as a good post-hole digger and supplies like cement and gravel. The installation process usually takes about an hour, so you can have your mailbox up and running in no time.

Low maintenance

Cast aluminum mailboxes require minimal maintenance since they are resistant to corrosion and rusting. You just need to periodically check the locking mechanism and make sure it is working properly.

However, there are a few things you can do to keep them looking their best. We published some guides about maintenance:

Cost-Effective in the long run

The upfront cost of a cast aluminum mailbox may be higher than other materials, but it is still considered a cost-effective solution due to its durability and long lifespan. In the long run, it can save you money since it does not need to be replaced as often. Later in this guide, we will examine the prices and show you how to find a good deal.

Most important types of cast aluminum mailboxes

There are many different types, but some are more important than others. For example, for a residential metal mailbox, the most important types for a homeowner are wall-mounted and mailbox post combo.

Wall mounted

The wall-mount cast aluminum mailbox is one of the most popular types. It attaches directly to the wall or a stable fence, making it ideal for areas where space is limited. Mount it directly on an exterior wall or hung it from the front of your house with a mounting bracket.

This type usually features a locking mechanism and comes in a variety of designs, so you can find one that matches your home’s style. The decorative cast aluminum mailbox without post will let you completely personalize the appearance of the exterior of your home because it is available in a wide range of different colors and finishes.

Freestanding or cast aluminum mailbox and post combo

Not to be forgotten is the classic combo of cast aluminum mailbox with post. This is a great all-in-one option that combines a strong, classic design with the convenience of two separate pieces. The mailbox and post are usually sold as a set and can be easily mounted directly in the ground.

The box is designed to be attached to a post , pedestal, or pole, providing an attractive way to receive letters and packages without taking up too much space. The aluminum post is designed to be placed on the ground.

These models are typically larger than wall-mounted ones. This combination of a box with post provides a secure and attractive way to receive letters and packages, while also enhancing your home’s curb appeal. Plus, they can add a timeless touch to any home.

Popular colors for a cast aluminum mailbox

There’s something about a well-decorated cast aluminum mailbox that just makes you feel good. Whether it’s a simple wreath on the door or a more elaborate display, a decorated mailbox says “welcome” and adds a touch of personality to your home.

For many people, the mailbox is the first thing they see when they approach your home, so it’s important to make a good impression. A decorated mailbox can be the perfect way to do that. It shows that you take pride in your home and care about the details.

Deciding on color is a chance to be creative and express your personality. So if you’re looking for a way to add a little extra pizazz to your home, consider the color. It’s a decision that can make a big impact.


When thinking about elegant and popular colors, the first option that comes to mind is the classic black cast aluminum mailbox. This is a timeless classic look that can blend in perfectly with a variety of home designs and color palettes.

It can be mounted on your wall or stand-alone and can bring a sense of sophistication and timeless style to your home. Plus this color helps to hide dirt and grime, making it easier to keep your mailbox looking clean and presentable.


Bronze is a classic choice for a product of this metal and a great option for those looking for an antique or rustic look. This finish also provides a unique aesthetic that will help your mailbox stand out from the crowd.


A white cast aluminum mailbox is also a popular choice for homeowners, as it can bring a feeling of airiness and brightness to the outside of your home. You will find a white one in a variety of shapes and styles, from small, wall-mounted models, to larger and more ornate stand-alone options.

The white color is a popular choice since it provides a classic look that will blend in with any home’s décor. Plus, it helps to reflect light, which can help make your mailbox more visible at night.

Whether you are looking for a more traditional mailbox design or something more modern, there is sure to be a white one out there that fits your style.

Styles and designs

These are a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications due to their durability and stylish designs. Whether you’re looking for a vintage, Victorian, modern, or heavy-duty one, cast aluminum mailboxes can provide a classic touch to your property. While the most popular styles include the traditional fleur de lis design, there are many others to choose from. If you want to learn more, check out our article about what is the best mailbox style.

Well-known brands and manufacturers

When it comes to purchasing a cast aluminum mailbox, it’s important to know the options available and the quality of the manufacturers. Whether you’re looking for a classic one with a timeless design or a more modern style, there are many great brands and manufacturers to choose from.

At Standout Furniture, we seriously recommend industry-leading companies and manufacturers, including QualArc, Whitehall Products, and Gibraltar Mailboxes. We published an article where we take a closer look at some of the top brands and cast aluminum mailbox manufacturers that craft top-notch products.

Cast aluminum vs cast iron mailbox

Cast aluminum and cast iron mailbox are both made of metal, but they have a few key differences that will affect the durability of your mailbox. Aluminum is lighter and very rust-resistant. Cast iron will be heavy, more difficult to install, and will rust if not cared for properly. Read more about which mailbox is a more durable cast aluminum or cast iron in our special article.

Where to buy cast aluminum mailbox

When it comes to home security, there’s nothing quite as reassuring as a properly functioning mailbox. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the luxury of having one installed on our front porch or entrance, so we have to make do with an old wooden one that usually just looks ugly and is difficult to access. But fret no more; you can now buy cast aluminum mailboxes that are both stylish and easy to use at most major online retailers.

Best time to buy

It’s essential to know the right time to buy if you have a tight budget or simply you’re a smart shopper. Although it is true that you can always purchase anything at any moment, there are special weekends and days that are better for making certain purchases. When it comes to your money, it might have a massive impact. As you can well imagine, you will find excellent discounts, bargains, or deals on cast aluminum mailboxes around the following clearance sales periods, major holidays, or holiday weekends:

  • Presidents’ Day sales (Third Monday in February)
  • Labor Day Weekend sales
  • Memorial Day Weekend
  • Between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday sales (November)
  • Independence Day sales
  • Before the start of the new season (end of January)
  • Black Friday sales Weekend

This is due to the fact that manufacturers discount their products heavily around these times.

Final word

With their cost-effectiveness, durability, aesthetic appeal, easy installation process, and low maintenance requirements, cast aluminum mailboxes are an excellent choice for any residential or commercial property. The prices may vary substantially based on the craftsmanship, the quality of the raw metal material used, and some other considerations we discussed before.

A good one costs around $330 on average. Fortunately, even if your budget is less than $200, you may be able to find something of great quality, mainly during sales periods. Whether you’re looking for a wall-mounted, post mount, column mount, or freestanding solution, there is sure to be a cast aluminum mailbox that meets your needs.

John Plank

John Plank is an avid reader and writer who is interested in anything and everything furniture, interior design, and patio decor. He enjoys writing articles about his passion and loves to play with his dogs in his spare time. (Full bio)